Paint bucket... for edges

Something Jader7777 said in discord sparked this idea, so I’m writing it up here:

What if the Edge tool had a paint bucket/flood fill in the same way that the Fill tool does? One click to paint the perimeter of a single-color region. Perhaps with Shift+single click with Edge selected?



Open question would be… what should happen in the case that some edges are already filled?


I think I’d maybe expect this:

But this might also be acceptable. Either way though requires some implicit understanding…


Or this case…

Or this?
Or maybe even this…?

I had this idea as well. I was planning on overwriting the color of edges, so you’d get this:

I’m not sure I can think of much in the way of reasons to prefer one way over the other, and my gut currently says this is the way to go :woman_shrugging:, so seems fine…

I was also thinking of the case of fully-enclosed “noise” in the shape. So what to do in the situation where you filled the light-grey ground in:

A simple approach might result in:

But I suspect this will never be desired, and you could flood fill the interior objects in most cases if necessary. So I plan to make the result:

I think a Fog of War flood fill will also be good. But I worry about GMs accidently revealing a bunch of stuff accidently :sweat_smile:. Especially shortly after the rollout of the feature.

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This was implemented in Flood fill with the edge tool

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