Feature Request: Visible Grid, Free Pen, Labels and More Shapes

The title says it all. Would find the following features very useful:

  • A visible grid
  • Free draw pen
  • Free floating labels (e.g. text boxes)
  • More token shapes - e.g. rectangles, etc. Would be good for map objects (cars, etc.).
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The little dots on the map are an attempt to create a visible grid. Could you talk a bit about why those haven’t served you well enough?

Ease of use primarily. Players and GMs would be able to easily tell how many spaces they are away from a given opponent or whatever if the grid was more visible vs. using the measurement tool. It would be great if a visible grid could be turned off and on. Another limitation of the software when it comes to generating a map with contents inside the map (e.g. tables, obstacles, etc.) is that everything is linear… you can’t rotate any tokens on an axis.

Thanks for being so engaged!

